Branding doesn’t begin or end with your logo!

Brands are shaped, moulded, and cultivated over time, not just in the name, logos, and the website you build, but also in the things you do and say.


 “Off-the-cuff” style marketing can limit or damage your brand reach more than you think.  


 “If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you”

—David Brier


 The “Visual Brand” logo, colours, fonts, is only a small part of the overall brand.


 Spending time crafting your brand strategy is one of the most important things you can do for your business. 


A Brand Strategy

  • Identifies your target audience 

  • Defines how you engage with them

  • Keeps you consistent and on track

  • Gives your brand a human personality

  • Guides your marketing strategies 

A good brand knows exactly who they are, who they want to talk to and what they bring to the table,and it’s obvious at every touch point of their customer journey!

Design & Direction


Let us help you create an eye-catching and engaging brand.